Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Marriage Tips; My Story - Do you want love?
A paradigm shift is when you force your mind to look at a situation in a different way.
Instead of looking at a potential problem, you could be looking at a potential solution, or window of opportunity.
We all react to situations in different ways. In our mind we choose to react to situations.
You can choose to react in a positive way or a negative way. It is all up to you.
How do you decide which way to look at a situation? That is up to you to decide.
You can only get out of life, that what you put in it. Love is an action verb. That means that if you want to be loved, you have to show love.
You are where are in life because it is where your thoughts have lead you to. You can only go in life where you thoughts lead you.
Where do you want to be in life? Okay, start going that way. It is just as easy, but it might take some hard work.
Let your mind take you where you want to go. Do you want to be in love? Do you want to love? When your heart is set for love and really desire love, then be in love. It's that easy! Act and feel everyday how much love is a part of you, then let it show and happen. Soak it in, to be in love is a very amazing feeling. You can tell by looking at a women just walking down the street whether she is in love.
Love makes your life different everyday, you look at life with such open eyes and heart.
Try it. Wake up tomorrow morning and say to yourself! I am in love, I desire love, love desires me. And let yourself act and feel freely all day and see how much better your day is, see how much better your husband responds to you. If you act as you are in a high school puppy love romance daily then the response you will get from your husband will be quite a surprise.
I love being in love, I love the look of love on my husband and the way it feels.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Life after Infidelity~
Whether you're the one who has strayed from your relationship or you're the partner who feels betrayed, you have to ask yourself the question that you only know..... CAN you move forward.
Were you cheated on? It is absolutely vital for YOU to decide alone if you can and when you will move forward with life and love. Being willing to trust again is key. Take things one step at a time. Don't try to make sense out of nonsense. Rationalizing your cheating spouse's behavior or sympathizing with him is pointless. It is never OK to go outside of your relationship to solve problems within a relationship. It's NOT your fault.
One thing I do know is that time heals nothing. It is what you do with the time that matters. Remember that it is better to be healthy alone than sick with someone else. If your partner wants back in, he will have to earn his way back into the relationship. Renegotiate the relationship in a way that works for both of you. There comes a point in time where you may have to draw a line and say, "That's it, I'm done. I'm not mad at you. I withdraw my feelings, I withdraw my emotions. You just go do whatever you're going to do because I'm not going to live like this anymore." Don't stay together for the children. Remember, kids would rather be from a broken home than live in one. They're much better off with one well-adjusted, happy, thriving parent, than they are with two who are cheating, lying, fighting, and living with stress and pressure. You have to make the decision about whether you can resolve to be part of your marriage or not.
Own the problems that you created throughout your marriage. You cannot change what you don't acknowledge. It is unfair to put all the blame on your spouse in any situation. That is a ridiculous comparison.
In order to resolve your relationship, contact with "the other person" must be cut off 100 percent. You can't work on dealing with the consequences of the affair while he is still having it. Don't rely on your heart to tell you what to do; rely on your intellect. Do what logic tells you is the right thing to do. Make the hard decisions. Either leave the marriage to free yourself, or commit to stay. Remember, checking out of one relationship before you finish it appropriately doesn't work. Ask yourself: What are you doing to help yourself get past the affair?
He will need to show enough maturity to recognize that life is not always all about him and what feels good for him in the moment. If you are married and have children, he has have an obligation and a commitment that far transcends what feels good.
He should help you find emotional closure. He must do whatever it takes until you find it. If it requires him to check in with you multiple times a day, then he should do it. It'll require him being where he is supposed to be, when he said he will be, 24 hours-a-day, seven days-a-week, so you can trust your spouse again.
And you he should do it!
Want to know if something is cheating? If you wouldn't do it with your spouse standing there, it's cheating. If your marriage is over and you have children, understand that your relationship with your ex will never end. You will always at least be co-parents of your children. Build a new relationship as their allies. Do you know what a healthy relationship is? Figure out what you want and behave your way to success~!
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Marriage Tips; Trying to get past infidelity~
Whether you're the one who has strayed from your relationship or you're thepartner who feels betrayed, you can move forward. Were you cheated on? It is absolutely vital for you to move forward with life and love. Being willing to trust again is key. Take things one step at a time. Don't try to make sense out of nonsense. Rationalizing your cheating spouse's behavior or sympathizing with him/her is pointless. It is never OK to go outside of your relationship to solve problems within a relationship. It's not your fault.
Time heals nothing. It is what you do with the time that matters. Remember that it is better to be healthy alone than sick with someone else. If your partner wants back in, he/she will have to earn his/her way back into the relationship. Renegotiate the relationship in a way that works for both of you. There comes a point in time where you may have to draw a line and say, "That's it, I'm done. I'm not mad at you. I withdraw my feelings, I withdraw my emotions. You just go do whatever you're going to do because I'm not going to live like this anymore."
Don't stay together for the children. Remember, kids would rather be from a broken home than live in one. They're much better off with one well-adjusted, happy, thriving parent, than they are with two who are cheating, lying, fighting, and living with stress and pressure.
Did you have an affair?
Own the problems that you created by having an affair. You cannot change what you don't acknowledge. It is unfair to compare a new, exciting, taboo fantasy relationship to one you've been in for years where there are kids, bills to pay, a house to run and a wife that is by your side. That is a ridiculous comparison. In order to resolve your relationship, contact with "the other person" or "situations" must be cut off 100 percent.
You can't work on dealing with the consequences of the affair while you're still having it. Don't rely on your heart to tell you what to do; rely on your intellect. Do what logic tells you is the right thing to do. Make the hard decisions. Either leave the marriage to free your partner, or commit to stay.
Remember, checking out of one relationship before you finish it appropriately doesn't work. Ask yourself: What are you doing to help your partner get past the affair? Be mature enough to recognize that life is not always all about you and what feels good for you in the moment. If you are married and have children, you have an obligation and a commitment that far transcends what feels good. Help the partner who did not have the affair find emotional closure. You must do whatever it takes until your partner finds it. If it requires you to check in with your spouse multiple times a day, then do it. It'll require you being where you're supposed to be, when you're supposed to be, 24 hours-a-day, seven days-a-week, so your spouse can trust you again. And you do it until.
Want to know if something is cheating? If you wouldn't do it with your spouse standing there, it's cheating.
Do you know what a healthy relationship is? Figure out what you want and behave your way to success!
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Marriage Tips; Trusting yourself and the Other
Listen to yourself~
Always listen to your own feelings, there is no need to look around. And by looking at people you cannot see exactly what is happening to them because their face is not their reality. Their outside appearance is not their inner, just as your outside appearance is not your inner.
This is the whole game that society plays, not to show your inner, your center, your real face. Hide it, show it only to someone who is very intimate and will understand. But who is intimate, even spouses do not show their faces to each other. Because nobody knows; the minute someone loves you the next minute they may not. How do you decide whom to have intimacy and show your true inner self?
I believe this is only a question you can answer yourself.
Marriage Tips; Trusting yourself and the Other
Listen to yourself~
Always listen to your own feelings, there is no need to look around. And by looking at people you cannot see exactly what is happening to them because their face is not their reality. Their outside appearance is not their inner, just as your outside appearance is not your inner.
This is the whole game that society plays, not to show your inner, your center, your real face. Hide it, show it only to someone who is very intimate and will understand. But who is intimate, even spouses do not show their faces to each other. Because nobody knows; the minute someone loves you the next minute they may not. How do you decide whom to have intimacy and show your true inner self?
I believe this is only a question you can answer yourself.
Sunday, July 8, 2007
Marriage Tips; Infedility
When infediltiy happens in your marriage you have hope that your marriage can survive your spouse cheating on you. But you still fill sick inside when you think about the event.
Here's what I suggest you can do to get beyond the hurt, forgive your unfaithful husband, and save your marriage.
Difficulty: HardTime Required: Long Time
Here's How:
Don't make any major decisions about ending your marriage now just because your husband has been unfaithful. This is the time to do some reflection on your marriage to see what other issues other than this infidelity need to be recognized and dealt with.
Feelings are neither right or wrong. Accept that your feelings of rage, uncertainty, shock, agitation, fear, pain, depression and confusion about having an unfaithful husband are normal.
Take care of yourself. You may have some physical reactions to the infidelity such as nausea, diarrhea, sleep problems (too little or too much), shakiness, difficulting concentrating and not wanting to eat or binge eating.
Balance is the key to getting through this experience of coping with infidelity. Force yourself to eat healthy foods, to stay on a schedule, to sleep regular hours, to get some exercise each day, todrink plenty of water and to have some fun.
It's okay and healthy to laugh. Watch some funny movies or TV shows. Spend some time with people who make you smile. Life goes on in spite of heartache and your unfaithful husband.
Tears are healthy too. If they aren't coming naturally, put on some blues type music or watch a sad movie.
Begin another journal. Write down your thoughts and feelings about your husbands unfaithfulness.
Ask all the questions you want.Talk with your husband about the infidelity. Even if he is distant and not wanting to talk, you need to talk. However, you may have to accept that your husband may not know why the infidelity took place.
Work together Don't try to get through coping with unfaithfulness alone.
Take it one day at a time. Both you and your husband should be tested for AIDS/HIVS and STD's before you resume sexual intimacy without protection.
Your children need to know that you are going to be okay. You can't hide the fact that you are going through a trauma. Be honest with your children, but don't weigh them down with details about how your husband cheated on you. Don't make promises that you can't keep.
Try not to get into the blaming game over who or what caused the infidelity. It's just wasted energy. It won't change anything.
You may have post-traumatic stress. If you are jumpy, yell at trivial actions, feel like you are walking on egg shells, and continue to have physical reactions when you are reminded of the infidelity, see a physician as soon as you can.
It takes time to get beyond the pain of having an unfaithful husband. Don't expect the mixture of feelings, the sense of confusion and limbo, and the mistrust to go away just because you've tried to forgiveyour husband and made a commitment to save your marriage.
Get practical. Look at your finances, housing situation, transportation, etc. If you do decide to end your marriage, make sure you have thought out where you will live, if you have enough money to pay for your essentials, etc.
Tips:There is no simple answer to why someone becomes unfaithful. It could be a symptom of other problems in the marriage, itcould relate to something in your husbands past. You may never truly know why it happened.
Knowing the type of infidelity sometimes makes understanding it easier. Was it a one-night stand or an affair? Due to a mid-life or life crisis? A sexual addiction or an act of retaliation? Did the cheating occur to end the marriage?
Remember that your marriage has changed. You will need to grieve that loss.
The stages of death and dying (denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance) are part of the grieving process. It doesn't mean your marriage can't be renewed and strengthened, because it can. But it will be different.
Think twice before you tell your family or your husbands family about the infidelity. Family members can often hold grudges a long time.
It is you and only you that can make the decision to stay in your marriage. If you do stay in your marriage you must work through it and move on. Do not allow it to damage your future.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Marriage and Communication~
If you respond to stress or conflict with an ingrained pattern that includes avoidance, anger, denial, etc., it can get in the way of effective communication, distancing you even further from your spouse.
Give or receive input;
Be open to receiving input from your spouse. You have to be willing to test and be tested. You don't have to say everything you're thinking, but everything you do say has to be accurate. If your spouse asks you if you're upset, and you are, you have to be willing to say, "Yes." It's important that both of you know they are going to be told the truth.
Reflect on words and feelings;
After receiving input from your spouse, verify that what you are hearing is what your spouse is actually saying. You've got to say, "What I hear from you content-wise is..." Then, to make sure you understand what she is feeling, you can say something like, "The feeling I'm getting from you is resentment/anger/hurt, etc. "Accept feedback and respond. If you are the person who is giving the input, you have to clarify things if your spouse isn't hearing what you are honestly trying to say. If you are the person receiving the input, you can respond once you know what you are responding to. Now that you are clear on what your spouse is really saying, you can accept the feedback.
- Stay in the moment.
- Stay with the issues at hand.
- Do not discuss past history at any timeduring this process.
- Do not leave.
- Do not leave the discussion until it is completed.
To keep it from dragging on, you can negotiate a time limit before hand so that both of you know how long the conversation will last.
Stop Excusing Inexcusable Behavior;
You can't sustain a relationship that is based on deception. If lies,infidelity, or other deal-breaking behaviors are threatening your marriage or partnership, remember that you teach people how to treat you. Your spouse is doing what he/she is doing because they can. If you're allowing the behavior to continue by making excuses for your spouse and blaming yourself, stop. If you want to be treated with dignity and respect, stand up and require it. You can't change what you don't acknowledge. First, acknowledge that there is something wrong. If what is happening isn't normal, admit it. You need to set some new standards of acceptable behavior and your spouse needs to know what those standards are. If you truly want the relationship to work, be real with yourself and yourspouse. Be completely honest and truthful with your spouse about your wants and needs. People who have nothing to hide, hide nothing. You should be an open book to your mate.If you are the person who has damaged the relationship, make sure that you hear your spouse. He needs to know that you have listened and understand the full gravity of your actions and how they have affected him. Acknowledge the damage your behavior has caused to your spouse's self-esteem, mental state and emotions. Understand that any time you turn away from your spouse to fill your needs instead of toward him, it's a betrayal. It's not just what you do it's what you don't do. You can violate someone by withholding affection.What is the payoff for hanging onto the guilt? Listen to the messages you tell yourself. Are they keeping you on the right path or are they keeping you from actively participating in your life? If you feel better when you are punished, punishment has become a reward. Do you pull back from hope and optimism? Do you secretly believe, "If I get too happy, something bad is going to happen to me or my family"?
You aren't protecting anyone by withholding who you are. Get back in the game and contribute rather than hide.
Friday, June 1, 2007
Marriage Tips; Communication and Emotional Awareness
If you respond to stress or conflict with a pattern that includes avoidance, anger, denial, etc., it can get in the way of effective communication, distancing you even further from your partner.
Give or receive input.
Be open to receiving input from your partner. You have to be willing to test and be tested. You don't have to say everything you're thinking, but everything you do say has to be accurate. If your partner asks you if you're upset, and you are, you have to be willing to say, "Yes." It's important that both partners know they are going to be told the truth.
Reflect content and feelings.
After receiving input from your partner, verify that what you are hearing is what your partner is actually saying. You've got to say, "So what I heard from you content-wise is..." Then, to make sure you understand what he is feeling, you can say something like, "The feeling I'm getting from you is resentment/anger/hurt, etc." This is an area that I am horrible at, I am constantly thinking one thing when my husband is talking and really what he is saying is something completely different. Miss- Communication~
Accept feedback and respond.
If you are the person who is giving the input, you have to clarify things if your partner isn't hearing what you are honestly trying to say. If you are the person receiving the input, you can respond once you know what you are responding to. Now that you are clear on what your partner is really saying, you can accept the feedback.
Stay in the moment
(Ladies, this is a hard one for us! Yet it is very important!!) Stay with the issues at hand. Do not discuss past history at any time during this process.
Do not leave.
Do not leave the discussion until it is completed. To keep it from dragging on, you can negotiate a time limit beforehand so that both of you know how long the conversation will last.
Stop Excusing Inexcusable Behavior
You can't sustain a relationship that is based on deception. If lies, infidelity, or other deal-breaking behaviors are threatening your marriage or partnership, Remember that you teach people how to treat you. Your partner is doing what he is doing because they can. If you're allowing the behavior to continue by making excuses for your partner and blaming yourself, stop. If you want to be treated with dignity and respect, stand up and require it.
You can't change what you don't acknowledge
First, acknowledge that there is something wrong. If what is happening isn't normal, admit it. You need to set some new standards of acceptable behavior and your partner needs to know what those standards are.
If you truly want the relationship to work, be real with yourself and your partner. Be completely honest and truthful with your partner about your wants and needs. People who have nothing to hide, hide nothing. You should be an open book to your mate.
If you are the person who has damaged the relationship, make sure that you hear your partner. He needs to know that you have listened and understand the full gravity of your actions and how they have affected him. Acknowledge the damage your behavior has caused to your partner's self-esteem, mental state and emotions.
Understand that any time you turn away from your partner to fill your needs instead of toward him, it's a betrayal. It's not just what you do — it's what you don't do. You can violate someone by withholding affection.
What is the payoff for hanging onto the guilt? Listen to the messages you tell yourself. Are they keeping you on the right path or are they keeping you from actively participating in your life? If you feel better when you are punished, punishment has become a reward. Do you pull back from hope and optimism? Do you secretly believe, "If I get too happy, something bad is going to happen to me or my family"? You aren't protecting anyone by withholding who you are. Get back in the game and contribute rather than hide.
Are you trustworthy? If you want a good partner, be a good partner.
Are you afraid the saying, "If they did it with you, they'll do it to you"
is true? You can't control your partner's behavior. If this relationship is going to work, you are going to have to own your own behavior.
Work out problems in your relationship within your relationship. You absolutely cannot fix a problem inside a relationship by turning outward.
Forgiveness is a choice. Don't wait for it to just wash over you all of a sudden. You have to choose it.
Don't give your power away.
The pain of what happened is inevitable, but continuing to suffer is optional. The only person you can control is you.
By constantly reliving the pain of what happened, you are giving your power away to the person who wronged you.
Don't cling to negative feelings.
Anger is nothing more than an outward sign of hurt, fear, guilt, grief or frustration. While the pain may never completely disappear, forgiveness can help you release the anger and bring those in your life closer to you.
There is no right timeline for recovery. For some people, making peace happens suddenly and spontaneously. For others, it takes time and effort.
You may have to make a conscious effort every day to forgive. To say, "I'm letting this go. I'm not going to invest hatred, bitterness, anger, resentment in this person anymore."
You can find closure in forgiveness.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Understanding Co-Dependency
It is important for co-dependents and their family members to educate themselves about the course and it's cycle and how it extends into their relationships.
A lot of change and growth is necessary for the co-dependent and her family. The co-dependent must identify and embrace her feelings and needs.
Throughout this article I am going to use the term "her" many times. I use "her" because this is me... I am the co-dependent struggling to save my marriage. I hope my Marriage Tips; Marriage Advice will help you in some way~
Hope lies in learning more. The more you understand the better you can cope with it's effects. Reaching out for information and assistance can help you live a healthier, more fulfilling life.
You will have a successful recovery by adapting good learning skills, taking a good look at yourself and your actions, and allowing the necessary TIME to make changes that work for YOU! While codependency can be tackled by yourself with motivation, discipline, and education, counseling along with a positive supportive spouse can make these tasks tremendously easier by pointing out problems and non-helpful behaviors. Plus, counseling gives you a chance to process your plans and progress on a weekly basis. When you've moved on, you will find it was more than worth it. Remember to keep weekly journals of your progress. (this was very helpful to me, to be able to look back and see how much I have changed and developed.)
Learning assertiveness, listening, and communication skills is important to help your spouse in being a supportive partner. In treatment your spouse can help you by becoming more aware of non-helpful actions/behaviors, and work with you on developing new, healthier coping skills.
In the case of codependency though, counseling only helps if the counselor is aware of their own tendency towards co dependence, or if the counselor has some understanding about the addictive push in our society. Counselors, in the case of codependency, need to educate you in good boundary setting and healthy living.
You are likely to go through an identity crisis. Be prepared to see and become who you really are. Maybe you won't be the cute, innocent, docile creature you think you are. So be it! Better to be genuine. Your real personality will not hurt anyone. Your truly wonderful and valuable personality characteristics will remain intact. The only aspect that will be lost will be the phony ones that you are clinging to, or that others have imprinted upon you but that are not the REAL YOU!
Marriage Tips; Power Struggles within your marriage~
The difference between power struggles and antiques is that antiques acquire nostalgic value, but power struggles will not. They will be seen clearly for what they are - artifacts of an earlier form of human evolution that is no longer constructive.
When a new structure is built, excavation of the building site unearths rusted pipe, bent nails, broken glass, and foundations of buildings built long ago. Ground is now being broken for a new human awareness. When this structure is complete, it will replace all that stood in the same place. A new humankind is being born, and with it a new consciousness that is changing every aspect of the human experience.
Power struggles are the most prominent characteristic of the human experience, the dominant elements in the landscape. Human history is the chronicle of power struggles between individuals, spouses and relationships.
Striving to manipulate and control what appears to be external, including other people, is the pursuit of external power. Creating external power has kept us alive, and allowed us to prosper. It has produced shelter, agriculture, science, and more. Everything that does not occur naturally is a product of external power.
The pursuit of external power without reverence is the cause of every conflict, cruelty, and painful emotion. There are no constructive consequences that can come from a power struggle, because the perception of power has the ability to manipulate and control no longer serves purpose. That perception underlies every power struggle.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Marriage Tips; Women are the foundation~
Common sense tells us that a woman can become a better foundation compared to the man. But common sense deceives us very often. Every marriage has its own problems and characteristics.
If the man is more concerned and more intelligent, he will save the marriage and if the woman is more concerned, she will save the marriage. It will depend upon the ability and desire of both the partners. No one can say that women are better suited to save the marriage. Sometimes they wreck it.
As said, the partner who is more intelligent and values the marriage more will save it through all the obstacles.
Friday, May 11, 2007
Marriage Tips~ Desperate to save your marriage
If I can offer you anything, it is this: You cannot repair your marriage ALONE!! One of you may want to save your marriage more than the other, and you can work with that. But it will take both of you to successfully save your marriage.
When I found myself going through a difficult time in my marriage, I was at a loss. I had no idea what I was doing day to day. I look back now and I cannot tell you what I did during those two months that my husband was confidently telling me he wanted a divorce. I remember feeling as though my life was falling apart and there was absolutely nothing I could do about it.
All I knew is that the man that I was completely head over heels in love with, was not for whatever reason able to stand by me when I had a problem. He was not able to offer me the strength and guidance that I could come to him about absolutely anything. I was suppose to be able to "walk on water" and never make a mistake. Not very realistic.
When I was searching out for guidance the best information I found was on the Internet. When you are going through a difficult time, you are looking for that one answer. The perfect answer that will just tell you what to do, to be able to fix everything.
After all my searches day after day I found several great sites with information that did in fact help save my marriage. Now that I am starting to repair my life, I feel the desire to help other women that may be in similar situation.
Copy and past this link into the google address bar in the right top corner... this site is what honestly helped me save my marriage. I cannot say enough good things... is an information site that can guide you, help you, teach you, and offer you help when you need it the most.
Please check out these links that I am supplying, if you can take the time to read the information you will get some great guidance.
GO HERE for save my marriage guidance
Tips to save your marriage
50 Tips to a better marriage
Put trust back in your marriage
Please leave me your comments and feedback~
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Building Trust~
10 Fundamentals of Trust
- The glue or cement of relationships that allows you to need others to fulfill yourself.
- The ability to let others into your life so that you and they can create a relationship built on an understanding of mutual respect, caring, and concern to assist on another in growing and maturing independently.
- The sense that things are fine; that nothing can disrupt the bond between you and the other.
- The inner sense of acceptance you have of others with whom you are able to share secrets, knowing they are safe.
- Assuming that others will not intentionally hurt or abuse you if you should make an error or a mistake.
- Placing confidence in others so that they will be supportive and reinforcing of you, even if you let down your "strong" mask and show your weaknesses.
- Sharing your inner feelings and thoughts with others with the belief that they will not spread them indiscriminately.
- Letting others know your feelings, emotions and reactions, and having the confidence in them to respect you and to not take advantage of you.
- Opening yourself up to let others in on your background, problems, concerns, and mistakes with the assurance that they will not criticize or judge you because of these things.
- The act of placing yourself in the vulnerable position of relying on others to treat you in a fair, open, and honest way.
Why is that people have trouble trusting? I read the 10 fundamentals of trust and see that in my marriage I actually have very few of these. I know and feel that my husband has conditional love, he does not have the ability or desire to love unconditionally. He is not accepting of bad choices or mistakes. For reasons I cannot understand he believes that I am not allowed to make mistakes, and if I do.... he is not understanding.
There are many reasons why people have trouble developing trust:
People have trouble developing trust if they have:
- Experienced a great deal of emotional and/or physical abuse and/or neglect.
- Been chronically put down for the way they feel or for what they believe.
- Been emotionally hurt in the past and are not willing to risk getting hurt in the future.
- Had problem relationships in the past where they were belittled, misunderstood, or ignored.
- Experienced the loss of a loved one through death. They can get so caught up in unresolved grief that they are unable to open themselves up to others, fearing they will be left alone again due to death, or, abandonment.
- Experienced a hostile or bitter divorce, separation, or end of a relationship. They may be unable to believe anyone who opens up to them in a new, committed relationship.
- Been raised in or have lived in an environment emotionally and/or physically unpredictable and volatile.
- Experienced a great deal of pain at the hands of another. Even if the other finally recognizes and accepts the responsibility to change such behavior, the person fears that if they let their guard down, the pain and hurt will begin again.
- Low self-esteem and cannot believe that they are deserving of the attention, care, and concern for anyone. They have problems even trusting the positive, healthy, and reinforcing behavior of another who is sincere.
- Experienced a great deal of non-provoked victimization in their lives. They are unwilling to trust people, situations, or intuitions for fear of being victimized again.
We need to develop the behavior traits, attitudes, and beliefs in order to develop trust:
- Taking a risk to be open to others: This enables you to become a "real" person to others. It is an essential behavior in trust-building between two people because it is the establishing of the parameters of strengths and weaknesses on which you have to draw as the relationship develops.
- Becoming vulnerable: This allows you to be hurt by others who know your weaknesses and strengths. This is an essential step in trust-building between people. It lays the cards on the table in a gamble that in such total self-revelation the others will accept you for who you really are rather than for whom they want you to be. In order to get to full self-disclosure you must take the risk to be vulnerable to others. This is an important building block in trust development.
- Letting go of fear: Fear restricts your actions with others. Letting go frees you of behavioral constraints that can immobilize your emotional development. Fear or rejection, fear of failure, fear of caring, fear of success, fear of being hurt, fear of the unknown, and fear of intimacy are blocks to the development of trust relationships and can impede relationship growth if not given appropriate attention and remedial action.
- Self-acceptance: Accepting who you are and what your potential is, is an important step in letting down your guard enough to develop trusting relationship with others. If you are so insecure in your identity that you are unable to accept yourself first, how can you achieve the self-revelation necessary to develop trust? Self-acceptance through an active program of self-affirmation and self-love is a key to the development of trust.
- Self-disclosure of negative self-scripts:Your disclosing of your inability to feel good about yourself and your perceived lack of healthy self-esteem are essential in reducing miscommunication or misunderstanding between you and t he significant others in your life. This self-disclosure reveals to the others your perspective on obstacles you believe you bring to relationships. This sheds the mask of self-defensiveness and allows the other to know you as you know yourself. It is easier to trust that which is real than that which is unreal or hidden.
Monday, April 23, 2007
Marriage Tips: Rebuilding your love
When teenagers fall in love, the emphasis is often on each of the partner's reactions and feelings. She loves the high she gets from knowing he desires her and thinks she is pretty. She also loves being seen at the high school football game with her special guy, knowing that there are other girls who would love to be in her shoes.
He loves what being with her does to his hormones and how manly he feels with her 5'5 frame next to his 6' 1. And he loves the way she laughs and flirts with him. Each thinks the other "hung the moon," so to speak. The falling in love stage that brings ecstatic high and delights is a very special treat. But over time, either love changes and deepens or it fades away. It's just not possible to stay in that magical falling - in - love stage forever. A deeper kind of love beckons that involves selfless giving and self-sacrifice. At this stage, the emphasis is on what you can do to help and support your partner.
Deep love helps you to see the best in your partner and to minimize their faults. It helps you to encourage them to be the best they can be and to pursue their dreams and goals. Because of your love for your spouse, you become their biggest cheerleader and fan. You want to show your love and appreciation in as many ways as you can. When you disagree, you are motivated to do everything that you can to settle your differences and restore harmony in your relationship. Even when you are upset with your spouse, you realize that your anger doesn't mean that you do not still deeply love them. The emotional tempest is temporary; your love is deep-rooted and stable.
A quote by Soren Kierkegaard beautifully captures the essence of deep love: "Perfect love means to love the one through whom one became unhappy."
Granted, this can certainly be a challenge at times, but it's an important point to understand. When your love is truly constant, then you want to be sure you don't say or do things when you're upset that will tear the fabric of your relationship. It's all too easy to act hastily on impulse and cause long-term damage. As you grow and deepen in your capacity to love, your starting place may be your spouse and any children in the marriage. But love that grows cannot be contained, and you'll find yourself reaching out to those around you in a spirit of sharing and giving. Thus love truly transforms not only the lover but also the world around you.
The conclusion is always the same: Love is the most powerful and still the most unknown energy of the world. A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person. Expect people to be better than they are, it helps them to become better. We waste time looking for the perfect lover, instead of creating the perfect love.
Love works wonders~
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Communication is the core to a healthy marriage
- We do not communicate our personal needs and dislikes in an assertive way.
- We do not understand what someone else is trying to convey to us.
When you sit down and actually think about communication in your marriage, it takes more work to NOT communicate than it does TO communicate. Communication is just expressing our needs, our dislikes being empathetic and a good listener.
As women we need to get our feelings out, we tell our friends, our sisters, our mothers, whomever we have a relationship with that has been built with communication. The first person we should be communicating with oddly enough is the last person every time?
Understanding others is easy:
- Good listening. The importance of "just" listening
- Empathize your responses. restating what was said without solutions, embellishment, or talk about ourselves. The focus stays on the "other" person.
Communication becomes an unconscious, automatic pattern that is difficult to change and involves practice and not just learning but un-learning the old familiar ways.
Communication is the healthy way of getting our needs met and stating our dislikes. When effective communication is not used or learned, people learn unhealthy tactics to cope and meet their needs.
I am guilty and I am sure many of you can relate:
- non-verbal
- passive-aggression
- isolation
- acting out
- verbal aggression
- passive anger
- numbing - "I don't care"
- depression
When you are aware of everything that you are feeling, all the time, you are in continual communication with yourself. Learning how to listen to that communication, and act on it, is your purpose. Becoming aware of what you are feeling
The choice that confronts you is whether to ease the pain you feel by escaping from it into thoughts or activities, or to keep your attention inward in order to learn where your discomfort is coming from, and heal the source of it. A way to avoid painful emotions is to escape into an activity. It is easier to focus your thoughts elsewhere than to experience the intense physical pain of a hurtful emotion.
The first step in uncovering the origin of a compulsion is the hardest. To uncover the origin of a compulsion, you must stop doing what is compulsive, therefore you must "acknowledge" and experience what you feel when you do. If you flee back into an activity or your thoughts, be gentle with yourself. If the intensity of a painful emotion is more than you can endure without striking out at another person to to experience it for one minute without distracting yourself.
The time the pain of rage, superior, jealousy, or vengefulness comes, try experience it without distraction for two minutes. Do that consciously. Being aware of your emotions is the first step. If you are not aware of what you are feeling in your body and what you are thinking, you are not aware of the present moment. When you are not aware of your emotions, your attention is focused on the circumstances around you.
Emotional awareness is the healing remedy for a fixation on external circumstances. When you are fixated on events of your life, your attention is absorbed. When you are aware of your emotions and what is occurring around you, you step into the present "real" moment.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Marriage Tips: Help and Hope
* Make recovery a first priority. Like all addictions, co-dependency is insidious, you may recognize yourself in the symptoms, but then deny their importance or deny that they apply to you after all. You may decide to change, and then time after time find yourself doing the same old things. Making recovery a first priority means outlining your destructive behaviors, finding alternative behaviors, and then implementing them! It means, challenging yourself, talking with others about changing, and then changing!
* Begin to know yourself. The more you learn about this disease, the more you will see how it creeps into every aspect of your life, and how destructive it can be. Listening to others, and identifying with them can help you recognize yourself and understand yourself, and setting higher standards, more appropriate goals.
* Develop a spiritual side through daily practice. An inner life is important to those recovering from co-dependency, because it will allow you to see that you are love able, and that your whole world does NOT have to revolve around your spouse. Find serenity outside of your daily life and family... any activity which is serene and focuses you on a source of nurturing outside of your brain. (Mine is the gym!)
* This is a tough one for me, still to this day: STOP managing and controlling others. This is a big challenge, but an important one. Here you stop telling the other what to do, how to live, what is wrong - or right with him. You stop intervening, helping, advising, you simply stop. You allow this other person to make his or her own decisions, for right or for wrong, you let them live their own life. Marriage is NOT ownership!!! This includes taking responsibility for their own mistakes, their unhappiness, their issues and their own growth. You cannot help them without helping yourself first.
* Courageously face your own problems and shortcomings. Now that you have liberated your energy from the other person's life, you have lots of time and energy to focus on your own life. All the things that occupied you with your husband might actually need attention in your OWN life! Often co-dependents say that they never realized how chaotic their own lives were, or how empty, how lonely, etc. Now is your time to face yourself, instead of dissipating your energy on trying to fix someone else.
* Cultivate whatever you need to develop as an individual. In facing yourself, you may see that you need to get in touch with your anger, or grieve what you have lost or what you never had, or contact your inner life. You need to sit still with yourself, that is important...WITH YOURSELF... and find out what you need to do, what you need to be, what you need to address to continue with your development in life.
* Become "selfish." At this point, you need to practice putting yourself first. Do you know how they tell parents on airplanes to always put on your oxygen mask first before trying to help your child with their mask? The adult has to be able to breathe and the have his or her needs adequately addressed before being able to help anybody. This is true for all aspects of life, not just for oxygen masks! Make sure your basic needs are met before you start giving away your time, energy, money, and other resources. Make sure you get your sleep, your meals, your serenity, and whatever else is important to you. When you are adequately supplied, then and only then will you have "stuff" to give to someone else. I never cared what decisions were being made, and let my husband run the show. I had to START CARING.... to show up and have an opinion. It is important here to learn how to advocate for ourselves.
* I love this one~ But I still struggling daily with it. Begin to feel that you are worthy of all life has to offer. This is tricky. Most people, if asked, will say "of course I think I am worthy!" But if you look at their lives, you may see a pattern which belies that belief. They are unhappy in their work, underemployed, bored or otherwise unhappy. No real future goals put into play. Perhaps they don't take care of their bodies, and they are frequently ill. Or they become very obsessive ( this is what I did.) and compulsive. They do not complain, or realize what needs fixing in there life. They just take it as it comes at them never asking how do these areas reflect my self-esteem?
Recovery from c-dependency is based on increased self-esteem... a self-esteem which can be gained by increased self-knowledge, your strong points and your weak points, and a full acceptance of yourself. There is a basic self-love, which you carefully nurture and expand. You get in touch with your feelings and attitudes about every aspect of your personality, including your sexuality. You begin to not only accept, but to actually cherish every aspect of yourself: your personality, your appearance, your beliefs and values, your body, your interests and accomplishments. You begin to validate yourself.
As you do this, you can enjoy being with others, especially your husband, who believes you are fine just as you are. You will not need to be needed in order to feel worthy.
You also work on accepting others as they are, without trying to change them to meet your needs. You know that you are safe because your standards are higher; you become open and trusting, but only with APPROPRIATE people.
You no longer expose yourself to the exploitation of those who are not interested in your well-being. Usually this means many friendships will be lost. (I struggled here, loosing some friends was tough, but I soon realized what the real definition of friends) Your higher criteria and standards are reflected in your approach to relationships. You will find a circle of supportive friends, your husband and healthy interests to see you through crises.
Your values change; now rather than your husband, you value your peace of mind and serenity above all else. You lose interest in the struggles, drama and chaos of the past. You become protective of yourself, your health and your well-being. You come to realize that for a relationship to work, it must be between partners who are equal and on not empowering the other. You want loved more than you need loved and you will find that your spouse will start respecting you with the love that you were trying to force the first time.
You come to know that you are worthy of the best that life has to offer, and you know that with help, perhaps, you can find a way to achieve that!
ASKING FOR HELP IS OK! You need to learn to ask for help instead of helping others first.
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Marriage Tips- My journey begins.
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Marriage Tips: My personal experiences
Realizing my negative
This list I made and read outloud to myself everyday for 3 months.
* I overcompensate
* I protect at all costs
* I second guess my own actions and often override common sense
* I have difficulties making decisions
* I struggle for control
* I live in a constant state of denial
* I make unreasonable compromises that seriously impact on my my life, my happiness and even the happiness of my husband and kids
* I maintain an unrealistic view that if "I" do the right things, my husband will change his behavior and love me more
* I am vulnerable to manipulation, which interferes to my healing and change
* I place little value on my own needs and instead assume responsibility for those relationships in my life
* I tend to communicate on a superficial level finding it difficult to discuss my true feelings
* I am unwilling to accept responsibility for my own behavior and recovery leading to me making excuses
* I project my own inadequacies on others and blame others for my problems
* I am unable to keep promises or commitments
* I am afraid to express myself when I am hurt or angry
* I will not expres my opinions if it means making my husband upset
* I take my frustrations out on my kids for not having control of my life
* I put my personal life before my kids
* I deny and pretend that I have control over my emotions about my kids
* I cannot be honest when I am in a situation that I fell is detrimental to me
* I try to force my husband to have a relationship with my kids/ his stepkids
* I am afraid of failure and showing failure
* I am afraid to show my true feelings in fear of getting hurt
* I am not goal oriented
* I am a pesimist
As you can see it is extremely hard to admit ones OWN faults. Taking ownership is the best way to see reality and grow from there.
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Monday, April 9, 2007
Marriage Tips
I would like to hear some suggestions on how you make your marriage work? What sacrifices you make, or just to vent your frustrations. We can help each other.
Please check out some of the links I have attached, the offer great support with amazing information. Check out my favorite, it was a blessing to me when I was going through a very tough spell.
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Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Marriage Tips: Crossing over the 7 year hump in your marriage
I just sucked it up! I never complained, I worked my 10+ hours a day came home did his dishes from breakfast, started a load of laundry cleaning up here and there, and before you knew it I was making dinner taking a bath and off to bed to just wake up and do it all over again the next day.
I found myself letting the things that I loved to do and having my own life slipping away. I was living my life through my husband. I started getting depressed, sleeping a lot, not eating, no desire of life.
It took my life being turned upside down to realize that I have a life, I am my life, I am an intelligent driven individual! I was living in the fantasy world that I need a night in shiny armor to come and take care of me. My expections of what my marriage should be were so high that how could he possible ever reach them? Something funny about expectations, if he doesn't know what they are, how could he possible ever fullfill them? I am in the process of repairing my life for me! It takes some time, and it takes patience. And so far the hardest part for me has been giving up the control aspect of my marriage, and realizing "he can take care of himself!"
GO HERE for some great information that I believe will be useful to you
I have attached a few other links with useful information/ guidance.
For My personal Favorite Go Here